Sociable RBYC

The RBYC Members are a social lot and when we can't be on boats sailing, our social events provide a range of distractions throughout the year for club members and their families.

We organise winter talks on monthly club nights ranging from external visitors like
British yachting journalist, author and broadcaster Tom Cunliffe, Tristan Gooley the Natural Navigator a Red Funnel Captain and Yachting Monthly writer Duncan Wells.  We have learnt about yacht electronics, MOB lifesavers, tying knots, stress free sailing, arctic sailing and much more!

We have informative talks from our very own Members and topics have covered Astro-navigation, warm weather sailing, Fastnet racing and Confessions of a Skipper. 

If any members would like to give a short talk about their adventures on and off the water, let me know.

Throughout the year, we also host a variety of non sailing social events.  Please look in the Activities section to register.

RBYC Social Secretary

Regular Social Events

The Annual Dinner typically in the winter months where we make awards, some serious and some not so serious and dress up in smart gear, leaving the oilskins in the cupboard for a night.  

Quiz Night held at the AGM or on a monthly club night usually hosted by Commodore Peter.  Come along and test your nautical knowledge.  It's fun, hard at times and noisy and sometimes argumentative too.  What else would you expect from a group of sailors?

Summer BBQ - time for a summer social off the water!  Come and enjoy an evening with great food and company and pray that the weather is kind to us on the day.   Family and friends welcome.

Should you be keen to see a particular social event, want to give a talk at a Club Night or want to organise a club event for the benefit of the members and their families, please email RBYC Social Secretary  

We would love to get your feedback and input!

Why not come along to one of our regular member Club Nights, 8 pm on the first Tuesday of the month at

Binfield Club, Roundabout Crossroads Forest Road RG42 4 HP

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